Rank Higher, Convert Better: What to Expect from an ASO agency Partnership

Working with an ASO Agency: Is it Worth It?

Deciding to partner with an App Store Optimization (ASO) agency could mark a turning point for your app’s success. But is it the right move for your business? Let’s delve into the benefits and compare the outcomes with managing ASO internally.

Amplification of ASO Efforts

  • Agencies bring specialized knowledge and tools that most businesses don’t have in-house.
  • With expertise in ASO strategies, an agency can more efficiently optimize your app’s presence in the App Store and Google Play Store.
  • They stay updated on the latest trends and algorithm changes, ensuring your app remains competitive.

Return on Investment (ROI)

  • Managing ASO yourself means investing time and resources into areas outside your core competencies. This can dilute your focus.
  • An ASO agency, however, leverages its expertise to achieve better results faster, which can translate into a higher ROI.
  • Studies have shown businesses that invest in ASO through agencies often see a significant increase in their app’s download rates and visibility compared to those that go it alone.

Real-Life Success Stories

  • Consider the case of a popular fitness app that struggled to stand out in the crowded market. By partnering with an ASO agency, they saw a 150% increase in downloads within the first quarter.
  • Another example is a language-learning app that saw its conversion rate double after the implementation of a refined ASO strategy by an agency.

These instances showcase how leveraging the expertise of an ASO agency can lead to substantial growth and gains in app visibility and user acquisition. Transitioning to professional assistance in optimizing your app’s store presence can be a pivotal step toward achieving your business objectives.

What is App Store Optimization?

App Store Optimization, or ASO, is a crucial technique in today’s digital world. It involves optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in an app store’s search results. The higher your app ranks, the more visible it becomes to potential users. This visibility is key to driving more downloads.

  • How ASO works: ASO uses a combination of keywords, app title, description, and user reviews to improve ranking.
  • Visibility and downloads: A higher ranking increases visibility, directly influencing the number of downloads.

A solid ASO strategy is fundamental for any app’s success. It includes:

  • Keyword research: Identifying the right keywords that potential users are searching for.
  • Optimizing app title and description: Incorporating keywords into the title and description in a natural way.
  • Encouraging positive reviews: Higher ratings can improve app visibility and encourage downloads.

Statistics show that apps optimized for ASO see a significant increase in downloads. For instance, after implementing ASO strategies, some apps have seen a 150% increase in downloads within just a few months. Real-life examples include major companies like Tinder and Spotify, which have effectively used ASO to dominate their respective markets.

App Store Optimization is an essential practice for improving your app’s visibility and increasing downloads. A well-crafted ASO strategy can set the foundation for your app’s success in the crowded app marketplace.

What the working relationship will be like

When considering a partnership with an App Store Optimization (ASO) agency, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the working relationship. A successful collaboration hinges on communication and a mutual commitment to your app’s growth.

How will your ASO agency stay close and collaborative?

  • Regular meetings: Expect to schedule weekly or bi-weekly calls to ensure strategies are aligned.
  • Transparent processes: Agencies should provide clear reports and access to ASO tools for real-time insights.
  • Shared vision: Both parties need to be committed to the app’s success, functioning as a united team.

Your ASO agency will become an extension of your own team, dedicated to your app’s optimization. They’ll stay close, ensuring that every action taken is a step towards enhancing your app’s visibility.

Coordinate and discuss progress and best practices on an ongoing basis.

  • Progress reports: Receive detailed updates on keyword rankings, search visibility, and app store conversions.
  • Best practices sharing: Leverage the agency’s expertise to understand the latest ASO trends and algorithms.
  • Actionable insights: Agencies can provide recommendations based on performance data to fine-tune your strategy.

The agency will keep you informed about your app’s performance, offering insights into how best to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving app marketplace.

Help you get a hand on the pulse of what is and isn’t working.

  • A/B testing results: Understand which app elements resonate with users and why.
  • User feedback analysis: Gain insights from user reviews and ratings to inform optimization efforts.
  • Competitive benchmarking: Learn from competitors’ successes and mistakes to stay ahead.

With their specialized tools and expertise, ASO agencies can dissect which strategies yield results. For instance, an agency might help a gaming app increase its downloads by 50% through a targeted keyword strategy, showcasing the value of their meticulous approach to optimization.

A collaborative partnership with an ASO agency can provide valuable assistance in navigating the complex landscape of app store optimization. Through ongoing communication, shared insights, and a deep dive into analytics, your app is positioned to climb the ranks and achieve greater visibility and downloads.

How the optimization process works

Understanding how the optimization process works with an ASO agency can be quite revealing. The journey begins with an extensive audit. Here’s what that entails:

  • Comprehensive App Review: The agency examines your current app store presence. They look at your title, description, download rates, and user reviews.
  • Competitor Analysis: They study your competitors, identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Performance Metrics Assessment: Agencies check your app’s performance metrics to establish a baseline.

Once the audit finishes, the keyword research phase starts.

  • Keyword Identification: Agencies pinpoint which keywords your app should rank for.
  • Search Trend Analysis: Understanding which terms are trending helps in adjusting the keywords.
  • Localizing Keywords: For global apps, agencies may also research popular terms in different languages and regions.

Subsequently, app page improvement takes center stage.

  • Visual Assets: Optimizing screenshots and icons to increase appeal.
  • Compelling Copy: Updating the app’s description with relevant keywords and persuasive language.
  • Call To Action: A strong CTA can significantly boost download rates.

Diving deeper, agencies distinguish between on-page and off-page ASO factors. Here is how they prioritize them:

  • On-Page Factors:
    • Adjusting metadata like the app title and description for keyword optimization.
    • Using clean and attractive icons and screenshots.
  • Off-Page Factors:
    • Managing user reviews and ratings.
    • Encouraging positive press and social media mentions.

Finally, the true strength of ASO lies in its continuity. Agencies understand that App Store Optimization is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor.

  • Regular Updates: They keep the app and its ASO elements up to date with market trends.
  • A/B Testing: Trying different strategies to see what works best.
  • Cyclical Optimization: They ensure all ASO practices evolve with user needs and behaviors.

Illustrating this with real-life examples, consider the case of a gaming app that saw a 50% increase in downloads after an ASO agency revamped its keyword strategy. Or a fitness app that improved its install-to-action conversion rate by 30% through enhanced visual elements.

Agencies maintain that rolling updates and optimization contribute significantly to long-term success. Moreover, stats show a well-optimized app page can increase conversions by up to 20% within a few months.

This step-by-step approach is what gives ASO agencies the edge in crafting strategies tailored to your app’s continual growth. With every change and update, they aim for higher visibility and more downloads, tracking the incremental improvements along the journey.

How the Optimization Process Works

Embarking on the optimization journey with an ASO agency unfolds in several critical steps. Each step is designed to elevate your app’s visibility and performance in the app stores. Let’s delve into the specifics.


  • The process starts with a thorough audit of your current app store presence. This includes analyzing your app’s title, description, and images, as well as reviewing user ratings and feedback.
  • Agencies also compare your app’s performance against competitors to identify areas for improvement.

Keyword Research

  • Next, the focus shifts to keyword research. Finding the right keywords is pivotal. They must be relevant to your app and have a high search volume but low competition.
  • Agencies use specialized tools to uncover these keywords, which will make your app more discoverable.

App Page Improvement

  • With insights from the auditing and keyword research, improvements to your app page can begin. This includes optimizing your app’s title and description with selected keywords and updating visuals to be more appealing.
  • Changes are made to enhance both the on-page and off-page elements of your app’s presence.

On-page vs Off-page ASO Factors and Priorities

  • On-page factors involve elements within your app’s listing, such as the use of keywords in your app’s title and description, and the quality of your screenshots and videos.
  • Off-page factors include the volume and sentiment of user reviews and ratings, as well as backlinks to your app’s page.
  • Prioritizing these factors correctly is crucial. An agency can distinguish which adjustments will have the most significant impact on your app’s ranking.

Ongoing Updates and Optimization

  • ASO is not a one-time task. It requires continuous updates and optimization to adapt to market changes and algorithm updates.
  • Agencies help by regularly reviewing and tweaking keywords, monitoring competitors, and updating app pages accordingly.
  • This ongoing effort ensures that your app remains visible and attractive to potential users, driving results over time.

Results You Can Expect

When working with an ASO agency, the results are tangible and quantifiable. Here’s what you can expect:

Install and Conversion Rate Improvements

  • Agencies have reported increases in app installs by up to 150% for their clients after optimizing their app pages.
  • Conversion rates, or the percentage of page visitors who download your app, also see significant improvements.

Things to Expect at 30, 60, and 90 Day Marks

  • 30 days: Initial improvements in app visibility and a slight uptick in downloads as a result of keyword optimization and app page enhancements.
  • 60 days: More noticeable increases in app installs and conversion rates, as the app begins to climb up the rankings.
  • 90 days: A solidified position in search results, consistent growth in user acquisition, and further optimization to maintain the upward trajectory.

How an Agency Can Help with Other Marketing Mediums and Full Results

  • Beyond ASO, agencies often offer expertise in other marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and PPC advertising.
  • This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your app’s marketing strategy are aligned and working together to achieve the best possible results.

In summary, working with an ASO agency can transform the way your app is perceived and performs in the competitive app marketplace. Through a systematic approach to auditing, keyword research, and continuous optimization, agencies drive significant improvements in visibility, downloads, and user engagement.

Tracking progress and attribution

As you delve deeper into app store optimization, tracking progress and attribution becomes pivotal. Working with an ASO agency ensures that this aspect is never overlooked. They work closely with your team, ensuring that key performance indicators (KPIs) are not just observed but are analyzed for actionable insights.

  • Close Collaboration: An agency integrates with your team to monitor metrics such as keyword rankings, download numbers, and conversion rates. Regular communication will be a cornerstone of this partnership.
  • Real-Time Analysis: Advanced tools and expertise allow agencies to dissect data efficiently. This continuous analysis helps in fine-tuning strategies for optimal performance.

Setting realistic goals and expectations is essential to measure the success of ASO efforts effectively. It’s not just about reaching the top of the charts; it’s about setting milestones that align with your broader business goals.

  • Goal Setting: Work with the agency to identify achievable targets. These could range from increasing organic installs to improving user ratings.
  • Celebrating Milestones: Recognize when these targets are met, which can boost team morale and provide opportunities for fine-tuning future objectives.

Discussing attribution helps in understanding the journey your customers are taking to find and download your app. Through a nuanced attribution model, you can gather insights into which marketing channels and campaigns are driving the most valuable users.

  • Attribution Analysis: By evaluating user acquisition channels, you understand which platforms offer the highest ROI.
  • Market Insights: Agencies use data to reveal trends and patterns in customer behavior. This knowledge is invaluable for tailoring your marketing strategies.

To illustrate the impact of proficient tracking and attribution, consider a real-life example. Game developer XYZ collaborated with an ASO agency and implemented accurate tracking across their marketing campaigns. By analyzing the gathered data, the agency:

  • Discovered a 25% higher retention rate from users acquired via social media adverts compared to other channels.
  • Adjusted ad spend to focus more on these high-performing channels, resulting in a 15% increase in overall user retention for the game.
  • Assisted in refining the game’s onboarding process, enhancing user experience based on common drop-off points identified in the tracking data.

By doing so, the game saw not only an increase in downloads but also an improved user lifetime value, demonstrating the long-term benefits of a meticulous approach to tracking and attribution. This example underscores the significant advantage that working with a knowledgeable ASO agency can offer in the quest to not just acquire, but also retain and understand an app’s user base.


In conclusion, embarking on a partnership with an App Store Optimization (ASO) agency can significantly elevate your app’s visibility, downloads, and user engagement. Through a meticulous process of auditing, keyword research, continuous optimization, and tracking, ASO agencies offer a strategic advantage in the competitive app marketplace. Their expertise not only in optimizing app pages but also in leveraging other marketing mediums ensures a holistic approach to your app’s growth strategy.

Studio Mosaic stands at the forefront of this industry, providing top-tier ASO services that drive tangible results. With their deep understanding of the app market dynamics and user behavior, they tailor strategies that align with your business goals, ensuring your app not only achieves but also maintains a leading position in the app stores. Partnering with Studio Mosaic means investing in your app’s future, leveraging their expertise to navigate the complexities of app store optimization, and setting your app on a trajectory towards success.

Please feel free to Contact Us in case you need any guidance regarding your app marketing needs.

FAQ on Working with an ASO Agency

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving an app’s visibility in the app stores (like Google Play and the Apple App Store) and increasing its chances of being downloaded. This involves optimizing the app’s metadata (title, description, keywords), visual assets (icon, screenshots, videos), and managing user reviews and ratings.

An ASO agency utilizes its expertise to research and understand user search behavior, optimize app metadata, improve visual elements, and manage ratings and reviews. They employ advanced tools for keyword research and tracking performance, which allows them to refine strategies, leading to improved search ranking and more downloads.

Yes, for many businesses, partnering with an ASO agency can lead to a higher return on investment (ROI). Agencies bring specialized knowledge and tools that can more efficiently optimize your app’s presence, saving you time and resources while providing better results than most in-house efforts.

Yes, many ASO agencies offer services that extend to other marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. They can provide a holistic approach to your app’s marketing strategy, ensuring all efforts are aligned for maximum impact.

Results can vary, but typically you might see initial improvements in visibility and downloads within the first 30 days. More significant results, such as increases in app installs and conversion rates, are often visible at the 60 to 90-day marks as the app climbs the rankings and strategies are refined.

Collaboration with an ASO agency involves regular communication through scheduled calls, transparent reporting, and shared access to ASO tools for real-time insights. Agencies work as an extension of your team, focusing on your app’s optimization and success.

You should expect detailed progress reports including updates on keyword rankings, search visibility, app store conversions, and A/B testing results. Agencies should also share best practices and provide actionable insights based on performance data.

ASO agencies stay updated by participating in industry events, subscribing to relevant news sources, and maintaining relationships with app store representatives. They also frequently test and validate their strategies to ensure they align with the latest app store algorithms and best practices.

The auditing phase includes a comprehensive review of your app’s current presence in the app store, competitor analysis, and assessment of performance metrics. This helps establish a baseline and identifies areas for improvement.

Yes, an ASO agency can significantly improve your app’s conversion rate by optimizing on-page elements (like metadata and visuals) and off-page factors (such as user reviews and social proof) to make your app more appealing to potential users.

An ASO agency uses specialized tools to conduct keyword research, identifying keywords that are relevant to your app, have high search volumes, and low competition. They also analyze search trends and localize keywords for different regions if necessary.

ASO is an ongoing process that requires regular updates and optimization to keep up with market changes, algorithm updates, and evolving user preferences. Agencies continuously monitor and tweak strategies to maintain and improve your app’s visibility and user acquisition.

An ASO agency uses advanced analytics tools and attribution models to track your app’s performance. They monitor metrics such as keyword rankings, download numbers, and conversion rates, and analyze user acquisition channels to understand which efforts are most effective.

Real-life success stories include a fitness app that saw a 150% increase in downloads, and a language-learning app that doubled its conversion rate after partnering with an ASO agency. These cases demonstrate the significant impact an agency can have on an app’s visibility and user acquisition.